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The 4 Most Important Ways to Live your Life to the Fullest

Perhaps one of the most common sayings in the English language – “Time is flying by”. This is the one thing in the world that we can’t change. We don’t have the ability to be Adam Sandler in Click and pause or rewind things whenever we want. Time is the greatest asset we have to our disposal, but it’s up to us to take advantage of it. We can’t just sit here and let things come to us, if we don’t ever take action how can we expect anything to change? Yes, it’s good to not be too eager and not get ahead of ourselves but that’s also the problem. We’re so caught up in this idea that if we rush things, we ruin things. Where’s the living in that? How are we supposed to evolve? If we sit back and let life take its course how can we be happy?

They say stats don’t lie, so let me hit you with one - the chance of being born human is about 1 in 400 trillion. Let me say that again, 1 in 400 TRILLION. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to do anything to waste my time. The Earth has been around for nearly 4.5 billion years, and we only get on average, 78 years. I won’t even tell you that percentage since it’s so minuscule. It’s time to wake up and smell the roses, live in the moment, and stop letting life come to you. You are the maker of your choices and you are the only one that has influence on what happens from the day you’re born until the day you die. Stop being worried about what might happen and worry about what you’ll do if it happens. You’ll never know how things will turn out if you don’t act.





Here’s how to do it:

1) Stop Saying Yes

This may seem a bit counterproductive but once you understand the meaning behind it, you’ll agree. As I stated, life is all about the choices we make and the word yes is one of the best words in our language. We use it whenever something comes our way that we want or need. It makes us and those around us happy.

Are we there yet? Yes

Did you get the job? Yes

Will you marry me? … … … Yes

We’ve been taught to use this word when we hear something we want. But, something we want isn’t always in our best interest. I’ m not talking about that extra scoop of ice cream or

that last beer. I’m talking about real stuff, the stuff that will put us on a different path. This may seem like such an easy concept to grasp, but it not always is to most. Here’s another stat: the average American has about 12 different jobs in their lifetime. How did we get here? We said yes, 12 times to be exact. We have this thing that we’re all familiar with called our subconscious. It makes decisions and thoughts for us without looking twice. For most of us, it has taught us to always have something to fall back on.

Compare it to a college application. We apply to our “top” choices and our “safe” choices. Why would you want to go anywhere else than your top choice? Instead of hoping you’ll get into the Stanford’s or the Yale’s of the world do everything in your power to make sure you do. Study harder and longer, do the extra-curricular, do the volunteer work. Then when it comes time to apply you will be so confident with all the work you’ve put in that there won’t even be a thought of a “safe” school.

Now back to the 12 jobs. That subconscious has taught us to take the job because it pays well or it’s a stepping stone. If you say yes then you’re losing the valuable time it could take to get that one job you’re so passionate about. Go and take extra courses, badger everyone in that company until somebody responds (and they will). As long as you’re saying yes to things because they’re “safe” you won’t be able to live life to the fullest.

2) Do your Bucket List

This is the fun one. For the majority of our youths we put things on our “Bucket List” as the things we want to do before we die or, kick the bucket. However, the problem most of us have is that we never do them. We’re just fascinated with the idea of potentially doing them. We all wish we had more time to do everything we want in life, but what’s stopping us – ourselves. All these things on our lists are things that mean something to us which will make us happy. A lot of us view these lists as fantasies that we’ll never be able to accomplish. Then why even bother with the list? If you think of something that will make you happy go and do it! That’s what life is about – being happy! I know that I will 100% do everything on my bucket list.

Examples include: swimming in the Great Barrier Reef, playing a round of golf at legendary Pebble Beach, having kids, and swimming in the Dead Sea. All of these items mean something to me and I chose them for a reason – it will make me happy.

It’s time to stop thinking and start doing. That’s why the Bucket List is a thing; it forces us to do the things that we never thought we could. There’s no need to think about doing something if there’s never any intent on fulfilling it. So, sit down with a pen and paper, make your bucket list and start to check things off. You make this list for a reason and it would be stupid not to act on them. It’s like Forrest Gump said “stupid is as stupid does”, don’t be stupid, live your life to the fullest.

3) Celebrate the Little Things

This may be a little obvious and has been said over and over again, but it can’t be stressed enough. The little things in life are what keep us going. We don’t need a huge breakthrough every day in order to stay happy, just something small. We value the little things much higher than the large things (or we should). If you could have something great, but minor, happen 30 days in a row or 1 big thing happen once every 30 days which would you choose? A lot of people just want that 1 big breakthrough and don’t even pay attention to anything else, but how can you stay happy this way? This is why things like getting a new car, creating happiness for others, or learning something new in school must be appreciated the same way that a big promotion at work would be. You have to be able to give yourself credit for accomplishing these minor feats. Because, these minor feats are what’s going to get you to that big one faster. Think of the little things in life as an appetizer. The appetizer is small in portion but still delicious and it primes you for the 32oz tomahawk steak that comes later on.

Being able to appreciate the little things in others lives will make your life much easier as well. Showing someone that same amount of appreciation and respect they give themselves for the little things can only be advantageous. It shows you pay attention and care for all of their successes, big or small. So, like that comment on Facebook and text them a congratulations, you won’t regret it.

Start appreciating the small steps you take in life, go ahead and live life to the fullest.

4) Don’t Care

As negative as this may seem it might be the most positive one for you to take away from this blog. There are so many things out in the world today that have negative connotations behind them. The media will take any positive story and somehow make it become disheartening or negative. The way people interact with each other has changed mightily. We all look over our shoulder these days wondering if someone is going to do something to us or to another person. We are worried about what people might think of our life choices because it’s not the “norm”. It’s time to stop caring about everyone else.

The only opinion in this world that matters is yours, so there’s no need to be occupied with what someone thinks or what someone’s doing. The classic example of this is holding grudges. If you get into a scuffle with someone and then hold that over their head for eternity how is that helping you? You’re basically letting them live in your head rent-free. You’re always thinking about them and letting them affect your life. No one can live like this and be happy. There is no need to let your mind think about other things than yourself and your loved ones. If you want to embarrass yourself in public because it will make you happy, please do. The people that do this are winning at life because they aren’t worried about how the public will perceive them.

I used to care about every little thing I did in life. I soon realized I was more worried about how others looked at me, and I was really affected by it. I wasn’t living MY life, I was living theirs. I found out (way longer than I should have) that absolutely no one cares what or how you do it. Yeah, they may judge you or look down at you but they don’t care. It’s your life and you should feel free to do what you want.

Moral here, stop caring about what others might say and start caring about what you do. Do anything you want that makes you happy and don’t worry about all the other negative people in this world that may say something about it. Live your life to the fullest.

These 4 tactics have been a breath of fresh air in my life. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I’m doing things I love with the ones I love all the time. My outlook on life used to be terrible and I had so many insecurities. Life comes at you fast and you need to be ready for it. Again, we only have a limited amount time on this planet and it’s up to us on deciding how to spend the best years of our life (which is our entire life). It’s not hard to be happy, it’s easy and it’s all under our control. I promise, if you use these 4 steps correctly you will have no regrets. Start living life to the fullest.

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